Heptathlete Denise LEWIS, Gold
medallist at the Sydney Olympics, and decathlete
Dean MACEY, 2001 World Championship
Bronze medallist are strong supporters of the Rover Combined
Events Initiative.
They recognise the importance of strategic planning and
rewarding excellence that will come from this fantastic
"I remember how difficult it was for me when I started out,
in terms of finding decent places to train and supplies of
equipment," she said. "This investment by Rover will bring
important new resources and support to Britain?s young
up and coming combined events
"It will help to raise the profile of combined events,
encouraging more young people to try the decathlon and
To keep fully up to date with the Rover Combined Events
Initiative please visit www.ukathletics.net
or write to:
UK Athletics, Athletics House, 10 Harborne Road, Edgbaston,
Birmingham B15 3AA.