How the Initiative
will be delivered
To provide the catalyst for local and regional development the
initiative will establish and support a minimum of 15
regional Rover Combined Events Centres throughout the UK. Each
centre will create a partnership between a club or clubs
together with a number of primary and secondary schools. Acting as
a regional beacon of good practice each centre will:
- Increase levels of participation through
the delivery of the Rover Combined Events Initiative and the
provision of school visits, open days and 'come and try'
- Develop athlete performance through summer
camps, coaching clinics, inter-centre competitions and regular
squad sessions
- Support the most talented performers with
athlete scholarships and tailor made competition and
medical support programmes
- Develop and support coaches by developing
coaching resources through the provision of coaching semnars and
- Act as a regional support structure
providing advice and guidance to athletes, coaches and clubs
wishing to develop combined events
- Provide the base for the development of
regional squads